Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

hidup ini bagaikan kupu-kupu

hello readers, gue bingung mau posting apa. hahahah
berhubung nanti pas class meeting nanti ada lomba kultum.. dan gue itu adalah pesertanya jadi gue memutuskan untuk memosting buat kultum. ahahh ini hasil dari apa yg ada di otak gueee :D

hidup ini ibaratkan seekor kupu-kupu
beberapa tahap dan proses harus kita jalani dengan runtun dan juga sabar
semuanya akan berhasilkan indah dan baik karena dari kitanya juga.

seperti kupu-kupu . iya melewati hidupnya dengan penuh rintangan dan melewati tidak sedikit peroses
awalnya kupu-kupu itu adalah ulat!! binatang yg sangat menjijikan dan bahkan menakutkan (?)
bertahap menjadi kupu-kupu. apabila sang ulat tidak bisa menjaga dirinya dengan baik di dalam kepompong iya gagal menjadi kupu-kupu.

berhari-hari dia di dalam kepompong , dengan kesabaran dia menunggu dan menunggu ternyata tibalah waktunya dimana kepompong itu akan mengelupas dan dengan sendirinya perlahan mengeluarkan sayapnya yang indah dan akhirnyaaa munculnya kupu-kupu dengan sayap yg indah.

bukan main indahnya sang kupu-kupu.. bayangkan!! dari sosok yg menjijikkan seperti ulat dia bisa menjadi primadona manusia karena ke indahannya.. siapa yang tidak suka dengan kupu-kupu? indahnya sayap kupu-kupu menarik perhatian banyak makhluk :D

begitu pun di ibaratkan dengan sosok manusia! manusia harus bisa seperti kupu-kupu! binatang saja bisa, mengapa manusia tidak bisa? jika kita cocokkan.

manusia dan kupu-kupu sama22 berasal dari yang menjijikan,,
kupu22 dari ulat
sedangkan manusia ari sperma ayah dan ibu kita atau zina

dari yg menjijikan bisa menjadi yang di dambakan dan di andalkan dengan cara apa?
hanya 1 caranya! kita harus dengan sabar menghadapi lika liku hidup ini.

albert enstein itu tidak bisa menjadi seorang ilmuan jikalau ia tidak mencoba! jangan salah, dia mencoba bukan hany 1x dua kali. tetapi berkali-kali.

siapa sih yang tidak mau menjadi ilmuan, orang ternama, terpintar dan menjadi andalan, sukses pula.
tapi itu semua membutuhkan proses, dan proses itu tak gampang. kita harus sabar dan kuat iman kita.

jikalau kita tidak bisa melewati proses itu dengan sistematik kita tidak akan bisa seindah kupu-kupu yang digemari oleh banyak orang. jadi contohlah sistem kehidupan kupu-kupu dengan hidup kita agar kita bisa capai apa yg kita mau :D

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

new year 2011 !!!

hello, a moment will come again in 2011. are you ready?
hmm ... if I'm sad ready. but, I can not leave in 2010 that where so many memories of that year. really hard for the forgotten. want to any time will always be remembered in my heart.

okay, I'll tell you a little more about 2010: D
actually the year 2010 was not that good as well. but this year a lot of experience I can take and become wisdom, and lessons for everyone, especially myself.

in 2010 makes my heart: calm, anxious, happy, sad, moody, depressed, anxious, worried, and many others who could not express in words.

going on and said, tell me, will not run out because the story of 2010 that very much. perhaps even every month many events that occur.

I do not know what should I raised again, I can not express it in words. I could not hold back tears on the cheeks. and have fallen in there take it.dropwise tears show where I was not ready for release in 2010.

so heavy, very heavy. not to mention a lot of my experience with my best friends who faithfully accompanied me during 2010 even though I'm sad and I'm happy.

though never disappointed with my companions, perhaps for some who have read my blog from the back of sebeneranya know why I did not want to split with 2010 

not to mention you still remember my story about the GOAT? yaps's where the grief I and my friends. My friends are not really, but I am.because the cast is there is me. I can not forget how cruel, and did not have my feelings. even they're all bastards! fuhfuhfuh but it all was over: D

fortunately, thanks to the greatness of heart for me, I'll forgive them. haha and we all went back as before. Well although not yet fully returned as before, even so many have changed derasti 180 degrees!

many also now my friends that mimics the style of his own. or rather COPY CAT. they do not feel confident. they did not feel she was herself.therefore the presence of distrust themselves. them with his own cruel to imitate with the intent that I really do not think

they imitate the style of their friends because they know that they copied the style of Friends adaah belle of the school. but it's not that way, actually be yourself even better. but why still you are not satisfied with yourself?

what's wrong with us thank our God, because He has created us so that we become the most perfect creations, with our respective characters.what is hard to give thanks? no thank you! Be careful you guys!

I was so sad to see it all, I am saddened by the attitude of my friend who imitate the style of others. rather than being yourself! you will be more attractive if you use styles. not the style of others. I really hate the attitude that you COPY CAT!

sorry, I was carried away with emotion. hehe I do not mengerto out with my friends I think.

okay, I just hope in this new year. we all turn into a better and more I hope we get back the original. like plain white paper, like a newborn child and apart from sin. and make 2011 a blessing for me, you, him, us and them!and the most I would expect. later in the year 2011 I already have a boyfriend. who could understand me, who could understand me. which could be the best and keep me. that could change me to be strong woman and I and she can lasting until I grow up. but will not match anywhere. and mate in the hands of god. do not worry if we do not have a boyfriend now. are important now we are a lot of appeal to give HER the best partner for us and could become our future leaders.

thanks already contains postinganku .. sorry to use English, though a little style hhaaha 

Another time I would much worth posting about my experience and my friends. bye 

see yaa next time, miss yaa.. muaahhh :* 

this is real , this is me :D

okeh readers, kali ini gue bingung mau posting apa, jadi gue putuskan untuk menunjukkan foto22 gue dari berbagai macam gaya. sorry ya kalo rada sedikit tidak bagus (re:jelek) karena objecknya juga engga bagus22 amat. ahhaha . oh iyaa ada beberapa foto gue yg sama cowo, eiitsss jangan salah mereka hanya sahabat gue bahkan ada yg ade kelas gue. ahhaha okeee silahkan liat22 foto ini dan pilih22 yang bagus buat ngusir setan maupun tikus dirumah anda. ahahahha 

tsah. mantep ngga kawan gaya gue yg ini? ahhaha 

okeh, gimana temen22 fotonya? kurang menarik yaah? maaf deh. ahahha tapi kalo buat ngusir tikus keren kan? wkwkkw... inilah gaya gue kalo lagi foto, hmmm dan gue tuh dimana aja foto22, perlu bukti? lo buka laptop gue dan buka "my picture" nah itu smua di dalemnya banyak banget folder, eiittsss jangan salah hampir 80% itu foto gue semua liihh *bangga* hahaha. nah terus juga di hape gue, banyak banget. karena yaa itu.. mungkin udh kodrat dari lahir kali ya gue narsis, ampe ada foto di deket tong sampah loh. hahahaha 
so, buat yg blm kenal sama gue gue cukup minta 1. maklumin gue kalo dimana22 foto, ya karena itu gue narsis bett. susah di tahan. pernah suatu saat. gue hapenya disita. orang mah yaahh sayangin gara22 ngga smsan atau gara22 engga tlpnan, eh ini gue malah bilang " mamaa.... JANGAN DI SITA, NANTI AKU FOTO22 GIMANA? '' emang mungkin engga logis dan ngga masuk di pantat. eh salah ngga masuk di akal *maap jayus* tapi mau gimana lagi? gue udah dari sononya kali yaa? wkwkkwkw 
ampe sering bet gue diledekin sama temen22 gue kalo gue udah bilang " ehh tunggu kek, foto22 dulu helaah"
pasti deh hafal gue jawaban mereka " eh apaan si tha, di sono foto, disini foto. kapan selesainnya, nanti aja sih" hafal banget gue, apa lagi kalo yang cowo22. haahhaha wajar sih. wkwk 
okeeh, itu sedikit banyak tentang kebiasaan gue (re:foto22) haahha :D maaf yah kalo geje


The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find 


suka nangis sendiri denger lagu ini, apalagi kalo lagi liat22 foto lo yang ada dihapegue -,- huaaaaaa beruntung yaahhh cewe dapetin lo :( hmmm... 

jadi inget waktu itu lo nelfon gue, gue bete, gue suruh nyanyi fall for you.. (re: lagu di atas)
aaaaaaaaa mau dong di nyanyiin gitu lagi.. tapi dengan posisi gue sebagai cewek lo. ahahha NGAREP! huuuu tapi mauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu -,-

LAJANG (again)

helow readers,, gue sekarang......... hmm LAJANG :D
setelah gue melewati masa percintaan gue *tsaahh* ahahhah
hmm.. dari pada pacaran mendingan juga single. hahahah
yaah.. walau gue masih sering envy sama temen-temen gue yang pacaran.
tohh.. apa coba yg mau gue ambil hikmahnya? sekarang gue udah kelas 9, mikirin dulu deh pelajaran yg udah kaya setan menghantui hidup gue terus,,
dan gue masihh trouma wktu gue pacaran sama noor rahman dwi az-harry  trouma ngga terauma sih. hahaha
dan sekarang di sekolah gue *especially* angkatan gue hampir semuanya udah pada pacaran coba. nyeeeeeeek
clingak clinguk gua. wkwkw . kesini.... pacarann.. disono......... pacaran. kwkwkw kasian deh lo tha jomblo! :p
haha kadang suka ngebatin sendiri sih gue " ih kenapa sihhh yg lain pacaran gue engga? ahh males banget sih.. apa gara22 postur tubuh gue? aaaaaaaaaa -,- apa gue engga laku22 yaa? ''
sering banget guee mikir kaya gitu.. bahkan sampe sekarang wkwk
tapi.... slow but sure, perlahan tapi pasti gue akan dapat cowo kok *kapan-kapan* ahhaha
udah ah sedih posting tentang ini. annnnnddddddddddd...... bahas yg lain yaa byee readers :D

bored time!

inalilahi, telah berpulangnya ke rahmatullah, saudara saya di flores , bernana " RIAN ". wujud dan rupanya seperti teman saya dengan inisial yang sama R . (sensor!!) nah,, dengan wujud dia yang sama seperti saudaraku, membuatku kangen pada saudaraku... dan akhirnya... di mana saat yg ku nanti, di saat jujur22an suka sama siapa. ehhhh dia jujur suka sama (sensor) ohh my GOD. hmm.. akhirnya gue ngarang aja gue suka sama sapa gitu... padahal mah sama elu.......... 

naah... dari pada mikirin hal yang ngga penting ghellaa.... mendingan maahh liat22 foto22 gue. hahaha

hahah berasa model aja ini gue? 

please deh, ini kenapa deh? hahahaha 

wiihh. kaya boneka. hahahahah 
eheemm. maaf yaak postingnya ngga jelas. ahahha habisan bored bet